I got much more wind than forecasted on my way to Oskarshamn. It started with almost nothing though, the first two hours I covered about five miles. At twelve I went down to make some food when i noticed the boat started to heel. A quick look outside told my the wind had turned almost 180 degrees and increased significantly. The forecast said six to eight knots so I thought it was temporarily, but it lasted all day and increased so I had to take in a reef on the genoa. At most it was gusting 18 knots and became uncomfortable.

Coming in through the approach channel towards Oskarshamn, a whole bunch of sails appeared from the north - it turned out it was a race with 70 boats with finish line just outside the marina. I slowed down and let them all pass me, a bit worried there would be no berth left for me, but the service-minded harbour master gave a convenient longside spot.

Oskarshamn seemed like a nice summer town, maybe I stay here on my south.