I left Scheveningen 5:30 in the first morning light. That would give me three hours of current with me, then 6 hours against and then some hours with me again. As before it seemed stronger than Navionics indicated. I was making between eight and nine knots with the wind from behind and could switch off the engine short after the marina entrance. Even after the current turned against me I was making acceptable speed for a while, but at 12 I had to start motorsailing when the wind went down a bit.

A bit ahead of me there was a smaller cruiser with a little gennaker. He was going for the gennaker only and still I could not catch up with him, doing between four and five knots with the Lombardini on low revs. I really hope I can pick up the gennaker I have ordered for delivery to Malmö, it would save me a lot of motorsailing (and give me peace of mind).

But when the current turned again I quickly passed him, and around five I was moored in Den Helder. The marina is within a Navy Base and mainly for the officers there, but they happily take visitors also. For one euro I could rent a bike to the local supermarket which was quite a bit away from the marina, Den Helder is bigger than I had imagined, with a population of around 60 000 I saw on Wikipedia.